Effects of Irregular Periods on Pregnancy

Irregular periods refers to an erratic menstrual cycle that indicates an abnormal variation in the ovulation period. Constant irregular or abnormal ovulation accounts for most cases of female infertility. Having irregular periods or no periods often indicate that you aren't ovulating. This condition is medically known as anovulation.

When is a period irregular?

A normal menstrual cycle occurs every 28 days, plus or minus seven days. If your period timings are significantly different each month, then you have an irregular cycle. Similarly, missed, early or late periods are also considered as an irregular cycle.

What is the cause of irregular periods?

Many factors cause irregular periods. Hormonal disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones) are two main causes of irregular periods. Other causes of irregular periods include:

-Using birth-control pills or certain medications
-Too much exercise or sport activities
-Using an IUD (Intrauterine device)

Can you get pregnant with irregular periods?

Since a woman with irregular periods still ovulates, getting pregnant with an irregular period is possible. But chances of pregnancy with irregular periods may be limited. In case you have an underlying medical condition like PCOS, treating that condition may increase your chances of pregnancy.

How do you treat irregular periods?

The treatment of irregular periods depends on finding out the cause of your irregular periods, but there are certain remedies that can help you to get your cycle back on track:

-Maintaining a healthy weight
-Exercising regularly
-Adding proper nutrients to your diet
-Avoiding spicy and oily foods
-Avoiding taking birth-control pills in excess

When to seek help

You should see your doctor if you are missing your periods for three months constantly or having heavy and painful periods that last longer than a week.

Concerned about your irregular periods or any other menstrual disorder?
